Thursday, August 28, 2008

It Finally Rained Here In the Southeast

Will Lyons looking down the Toxaway. 

Tropical depression Fay came through and dropped over six inches of rain widespread and dropped twelve inches at my house. Also a tornado came through my neighborhood, every stream in the southeast flash flooded, and we drove around all day looking for the smallest stream we could find. We ended up at moccasin creek with the best of intentions, however when we put in we found ourselves fighting the rhodo usually located six feet above the creek. Scary day, we boated for nearly five hundred yards before we were scrambling for the banks. Many people swam today, Tuesday August 26, 2008, many people made bad decisions to put on rivers with it raining the way that it was, and many people barely made it. Let this be a reminder to everyone who loves kayaking, the weather and river will always be more powerful than we and much respect for the river is needed for successful missions on the river.  Always be aware of what is going on around you and your surroundings and if you feel like it has rained to much....... Then it probably has!
Hiking up Moccasin creek.

Bull sluice Chattooga river.

Nathan Silsbee going for the meat at Bull Sluice. Level 3.2
Nathan getting his meat grinded


Wednesday, August 20, 2008

British Columbia

B.C. is ridiculous, it has plenty of whitewater for anyone. While we were in B.C. our trip got cut short but we ran some badass whitewater in four days. Callaghan, The mine section of the ashlu, tatlow and a few others. Callaghan is a super quality creek run in its own right not to mention. We were real lucky to be able to do all of these runs in the same week. Then we cruized down to the hood for a couple days before our flight back to the parched southeast.

Below S Turn on the Little White, this river is so much fun. I was here in April and the level was about double the flow, it is still just as fun! The Ldub got game!
Drew Duval running Spirit Falls.

Jay Gifford running Spirit Falls. Jay is the coolest dude I know in the Hood he always lets me crash at his house and routes me down the L dub flawlessly time and time again. Word Jay! Thanks for sharin the love.